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SD Card adds easy customisation to intelligent alerts

Posted Thursday, November 2nd, 2017
Posted in: News [ssba]

The AH500 family of warning systems have had the ability to generate intelligent threshold, profile and envelope alerts using logical arguments based on the data coming from the EFIS or directly connected inputs, but this was something that needed to be configured over the RS232 port and really could only be done at time of build or service return.

Customers have found that some logic, alarm thresholds and voice alerts may need flight testing and experimentation to get it just right and have requested the ability to be able to easily amend logic, thresholds and audio files more easily.

We are pleased to announce that, with the new AH502SD, customers can change the logic, alarm thresholds and voice alerts by transferring configuration files and voice clips through the SD card.

To apply to the warning panel, copy the files to the SD card, insert into the AH502SD, and cycle the power to the unit which initiates the panel to verify the files and copy to the warning system memory.

For those interested in an SD version of the larger AH500, it’s in development, so watch this space..

Please get in touch to discuss your requirements!


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